Sunday, February 24, 2008

Mount Woodson

sunset over san diegoaftermath of fireAbout the Hike: Moderate hike, gets pretty steep in parts. There is limited vegetation cover during the start of the hike, summers are rather hot, preferred time is spring or fall.

: Start:
11.45am, End: 4.15pm, total hiking time = 4.5hrs

4.4mi one-way on trail, (about a mile on road and around Lake Poway) 3.4mi along main trail, elevation: 2000ft gain

Driving and other Info:
Lake Poway, 30 minutes from La Jolla

Our Hike: We did this hike at least twice, relatively cool days both times. Pretty easy hike for active folks, is a good hike to start with if you have not been active. We saw a rattler close to the top, so watch out for the shadowy sides.

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