About the Hike: Strenuous hike with plenty of hiking in thinner air. Upper elevations are cool even in summer, though spring may require snow gear. Don't attempt the hike without proper training. Very similiar to San Jacinto.
Time: Start: 10.20am, End: 8pm, total hiking time = 9hrs 40min
Distance: 15.7mi round-trip, elevation gain: from 5500ft to 10600ft
Driving and other Info:Follow I-15N to 215N to 10E, take the 38E highway to the Mill Creek Ranger Station. Trailhead is behind the fire station at Angelus Oaks. 126mi, 2hrs 11min from La Jolla.
Our Hike: Temperatures were soaring on the day we hiked this trail. The lower elevations are hotter, but also have plenty of shade, so the biggest problem in summer is bugs. This trail would be best in fall. Steep ascents for about 2 mi, then flatter to Manzanita Springs, followed by steep ascents again to Limber Pine and beyond. There are 3 peaks: San Bernardino peak, East San Bernardino peak and Anderson peak (also confusingly called San Bernardino Mountain). Our goal was to get to San Bernardino peak.
Map for all peak locations. Preparation is key, just as with San Jacinto, i.e. good sleep, light lunch, small snacks and water along the way, ascending gradually after 9000ft. Once acclimatized, one can push oneself.